Courage Reins' new website is now available! Below is the instructions for how to complete the online training, access the new schedule and sign up for volunteer times. Pleas call Courage Reins and ask Jacque if you have any questions about this.


Step 1: go to

Step 2: Place your curser over the “volunteer” link and then click on “training”

Step 3:  Type in user name & password (no capitol letters and no spaces)

                                User Name: stable

                                Password: training

Step 4: under “Create User” section type in your name, your email, and a password you can remember.

Step 5: You may then click on training presentations.

Step 6: At the end of each presentation click on “Take Quiz” at the top of the page

Step 7: Type in your name and email then press “continue”

Step 8: Take the quiz, if you miss more than 2 questions you will be invited to go through the presentation again and re-take the quiz.

Step 9: Once you have passed the quiz print off the page that shows your final score and bring it in to the barn manager. You are then able to practice that certification with a volunteer lead.

Step 10: Once you have passed of the certification with a volunteer lead you may sign up for a certification class to pass off your skills with an instructor. Once you have successfully completed this class you are certified! 

Signing Up to Volunteer Online

Step 1: go to

Step 2: Place your curser over the “volunteer” link and then click on “calendar”

Step 3:  Login in by typing your email and password at the top of the page

Step 4: Click on a day to see the outline for students and lesson times for that day.

Step 5: If you have completed your “Lead Walk” & “Side Walk” training when you click on a day you will see “volunteer” buttons anywhere that is available for you to volunteer. To sign up to work with that student click on the “volunteer” button.

Step 6: If you would like to see when all the lessons are for an individual student you can do a search for their name. Just type their name in the search bar and click the “search student name” button

** Please note that courage reins reserves the right to switch volunteers signed up in classes if they feel it would be more safe or more appropriate for another volunteer to take that spot.

Since August of 2008 we have had young adults from the Alpine Transition & Employment Center (ATEC) assist us with our mission for 2 hours every morning Monday through Friday. 

You may have noticed coming in to find the supplements have been done, the bathroom cleaned or the floors mopped.  

Each morning they start out with doing the AM feeding and then move on to other assignments. 

Like afternoon volunteers, they have opportunities to have riding lessons and have rightfully earned their volunteer t-shirts.  

Some of these volunteers have a diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome which requires them to be supervised very carefully around food. 

So we ask everyone to not leave food out and to take it with them as they depart the Center each day. 

This is very important to help them and would be a real act of kindness towards these special volunteers.

Thank You!